Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Did Facebook add a Dislike buton?

 A scam has been going around Facebook saying that Facebook as enabled the dislike button. In my research it seems a large amount of people are wondering if Facebook did add a dislike button. I would like to inform everyone that the dislike button was not added and does not exist. If Facebook were to add a dislike button you would see the dislike button all over the web and hear about all it on the news.

 Once again this was another scam spreading through Facebook. Clicking on it will spread it along to all your friends. I am currently unable to find a live copy of this scam but it current it still a very popular scam at the moment.

 Some of the messages users are using to spread the warning about this scam is the following:

WARNING - BE CAREFUL. I just got one posted on my wall....
This is spreading quickly! It's a virus!!!: "Facebook now has a dislike button! Click 'Enable Dislike Button' to turn on the new feature!"
THERE IS NO DISLIKE BUTTON. DON'T CLICK ON IT!!!! REPEAT!!!Don't anyone click on the "Enable Dislike" statuses, it's a virus

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