Infections can happen to anyone, however some activity's have more risk it then others. One of the things that has a higher risk is downloading illegal software. Patches, Cracks, and keygens in my opinion are: A. wrong and B. more likely to be malware then other legal files. When you are looking for download a program I highly recommend you go to the site where the software is offered and download it from there.
A lot of the time when hunting malware files the Malware files are named (program)-keygen.exe or (program)-crack.exe. Now please note those files may have some keygen ability (I don't know for sure) however a majority of them are just malware droppers. I remember when TDL3 started spreading quickly and a lot of the time the TDL3 installer files were being distributed as keygens or cracks. Also just recently I have saw some reports of keygens telling you that you must take a survey in order to get the key, and much like Facebook scams taking the survey won't get you anywhere.
Now another reason I recommend you avoid them is because they are wrong in my opinion. Taking someones work from the internet for free is wrong. It not like we just go to the our local supermarket and grab whatever we want for free, just because its on the internet does not make it legal. This includes using torrent programs to try to download free music online. Unless they put it out online for free its not right to download others for free.
Also remember when you install software to check for reviews on the product first. Make sure you have an updated AV program installed also to scan each of your downloads before you run them.
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