If you are a Microsoft Security Essentials user and use Chrome you may have been in for a surprise today. Today Microsoft released one of its daily antivirus updates which caused it's line of security products to detect Chrome as PWS:Win32/Zbot. This lead to a seven page thread of wondering what was going on in the Chrome support forum and most likely had some more posts around the net.
This just goes to show every product has it's bad days, even ones known for having low FPs. If your Chrome is gone it would be a good idea to go into your security settings and un-quarantine all the Chrome files that were detected. If you prefer not to go through all that just update your AV sigs and reinstall Chrome. Reinstalling Chrome may be the better choice due to the possibility of files being broken when they get restored. Now don't go start complaining that Microsoft detected Chrome just yet this is not as big of a FP as some other vendors made, also I have had other security programs delete my install of Chrome before.
Update: Google has posted a blog post about the issue and how to fix it.
Keep up to date with the latest computer news on the IGL-Security blog. We have blog posts on a large number of topics from news articles to how to guides!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Facebook charging spam changes (Daily Social Scam report 9/25/2011)
Well the Facebook is charging spam posts are going through the social network with a new message. Here is the latest message:
Now I am going to be honest. I highly think it would be a bad biz choice to make it free only if you copy and paste a simple message. Now Facebook is not going to start charging, it was not on the news, and you do not need to copy and paste in before midnight. Please just ignore the message and move on. Also before you start doing these copy and paste messages look into them and verify they are true before you post.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-23-2011)
Time for today's daily social scam report. I only have one really important hoax to request people to stop posting for today's scam report.:
This was the message that has been going through the social network lately, in fact this message has been so popular that its one of the top searches on Yahoo! Search. Please do not pass the message along, Facebook is free and according to them it always will be. Please research each of these "pass it on" messages before you start spreading it through your social feed.
This was the message that has been going through the social network lately, in fact this message has been so popular that its one of the top searches on Yahoo! Search. Please do not pass the message along, Facebook is free and according to them it always will be. Please research each of these "pass it on" messages before you start spreading it through your social feed.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Facebook and Privacy
With the recent changes to Facebook many people have been wondering what their privacy setting's should be. In fact many people just quit Facebook due to fearing they may lose their privacy. Now I have admitted before I am a rather big fan of Facebook. So I will not encourage just quitting, I recommend staying safe and using Facebook wisely.
1. Set Facebook posts to friends only, however this will only work if you follow another important Facebook rule. Only add people you know. It's not a popularity race to see who has the most friends. In fact I go through my friends list every once in a while and clear out people I no longer talk to. If you want to know random people with thoughts you don't care about the world seeing creating a twitter account for that purpose may be a better idea. Facebook is more about sharing personal things with friends and not posting things for random strangers to see. Twitter is more about sharing your random thoughts with the world and not making personals relations.
2. Don't post photos and statuses you would not want others to see. Remember latter on in life people that may want to hire you, colleges, and even bosses may look at your profile. In fact people have even been fired due to what they have posted about their job. So always think before you post.
3. Ignore the spam apps: Please ignore all the apps that say they can tell you who is viewing your profile, tell you to watch some amazing or creepy video, will give you a free ipad, or will give you free facebook credits. They are all a scam and should be ignored.
4. Look at the privacy controls: They are there to be used not just ignored. You can't blame Facebook for not having enough privacy when the controls are there for you. Take action, do not just react.
5. Follow the TOS, don't blame Facebook when you kid under 13 has a loss of privacy because they have an underage account.
1. Set Facebook posts to friends only, however this will only work if you follow another important Facebook rule. Only add people you know. It's not a popularity race to see who has the most friends. In fact I go through my friends list every once in a while and clear out people I no longer talk to. If you want to know random people with thoughts you don't care about the world seeing creating a twitter account for that purpose may be a better idea. Facebook is more about sharing personal things with friends and not posting things for random strangers to see. Twitter is more about sharing your random thoughts with the world and not making personals relations.
2. Don't post photos and statuses you would not want others to see. Remember latter on in life people that may want to hire you, colleges, and even bosses may look at your profile. In fact people have even been fired due to what they have posted about their job. So always think before you post.
3. Ignore the spam apps: Please ignore all the apps that say they can tell you who is viewing your profile, tell you to watch some amazing or creepy video, will give you a free ipad, or will give you free facebook credits. They are all a scam and should be ignored.
4. Look at the privacy controls: They are there to be used not just ignored. You can't blame Facebook for not having enough privacy when the controls are there for you. Take action, do not just react.
5. Follow the TOS, don't blame Facebook when you kid under 13 has a loss of privacy because they have an underage account.
More Lulzsec hackers arrested
Well media sites are reporting that two more Lulzsec hackers have been arrested. Although the news is being overshadowed by: Cellular South changing its name, HP replacing its CEO, and the F8 Facebook news spreading it still did happen.
It has been reported that one of the hackers was homeless. One of the hackers is being accused of hacking Sony Pictures when that large Sony hacking spree happened. You can read more of the details over at the FoxNews website and I will post more information as it comes out.
It has been reported that one of the hackers was homeless. One of the hackers is being accused of hacking Sony Pictures when that large Sony hacking spree happened. You can read more of the details over at the FoxNews website and I will post more information as it comes out.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Google Plus open to everyone...not really
So today you may have seen the headlines Google Plus is now open for everyone. In fact in the official Google Blog they say its open to everyone. So since they said everybody I decided to go and attempt to sign up, however I was once again welcomed by the "You must be over a certain age to use this feature". Yes Google still has that same age requirement even though they have said they have opened it to everybody.
So once again as I have said before I will continue waiting for them to truly open their door's for everyone. I greatly discourage anyone to make a new account and attempt to bypass the rules. However I do feel this limit is holding them back. Let's take a look at Facebook, I know a lot of parents have gotten into Facebook because their kids wanted to create an account so they made one. Once they made one they learned they really liked it and decided to stay expanding the number of members on Facebook.
So I am sorry I have no news on when the age limit of Google Plus will change. As I watch my blog stats I notice a lot of people reaching my site because they are looking up information about the age limit. So what are your thoughts? Share you thoughts down in the comment section to share with the world how you feel about it.
So once again as I have said before I will continue waiting for them to truly open their door's for everyone. I greatly discourage anyone to make a new account and attempt to bypass the rules. However I do feel this limit is holding them back. Let's take a look at Facebook, I know a lot of parents have gotten into Facebook because their kids wanted to create an account so they made one. Once they made one they learned they really liked it and decided to stay expanding the number of members on Facebook.
So I am sorry I have no news on when the age limit of Google Plus will change. As I watch my blog stats I notice a lot of people reaching my site because they are looking up information about the age limit. So what are your thoughts? Share you thoughts down in the comment section to share with the world how you feel about it.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-18-2011)
For today's daily social report we are going to take a look at some of the hoax's going through the social network.
So some of you may have already seen this hoax going through the social network. Facecrooks has already disproved this one. I highly recommend before you going and start copying and pasting alerts to go and research them before you spread them.
To be honest I have not yet seen this one but this one sounds possible. However I not recently seen any reports of this happening recently.
WARNING!!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS FROM~~~BOBBY ROBERTS~~~Profile picture is four colored picture~~ A hacker and fake name!!!! the name will DESTROY EVERYTHING!!! Please... COPY THIS TEXT ON YOUR STATUS SO THAT YOUR FRIENDS ARE WARNED******************PASS ON ALONG A.S.A.P
I have also not seen this one happen yet however I do agree on one thing. Do not add someone you don't know. Its dangerous for they can gain personal information about you but I don't see how they can destroy everything.
WARNING : Virus spreading like wildfire on FB and My Space, it is a trojan worm called koobface; it will steal your info, invade your system and shut it down. DO NOT open the link Barack Obama Clinton Scandal. If SmartGirl15 requests you as a friend, don't accept it; its a virus. If somebody on your list adds her, you get the virus too. Confirmed on MSNBC AND Snopes. PLEASE HELP TO SPREAD THIS NEW EVERY BODY HAVE TO BE ALERT ON THIS.
Just thought it would be a good idea to add that snopes actually called this one a hoax themselves. I just thought it would be a good to idea to say that this hoax contradicts itself.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-17-2011)
For today's daily social scam report I want to take a look at two of the common questions I get about social networks: "How can I find out who viewed my twitter profile" and "Are the 8 people that appear on the left of my Facebook page my stalkers"
First I will just plainly say its impossible to see who viewed your twitter profile. I highly recommend you ignore any apps that can say they are able to tell you who viewed it. If you want to make your twitter account secure just set your account as private so no one can see what you are saying without you confirming them.
The next common question I get is "Are the 8 people that appear on the left of my Facebook page my stalkers?". The answer to that is no it is just randomly selected people you have recently interacted with. The people on the left have nothing to do with who is viewing your profile the most. However it is a very common theory when I talk to people.
First I will just plainly say its impossible to see who viewed your twitter profile. I highly recommend you ignore any apps that can say they are able to tell you who viewed it. If you want to make your twitter account secure just set your account as private so no one can see what you are saying without you confirming them.
The next common question I get is "Are the 8 people that appear on the left of my Facebook page my stalkers?". The answer to that is no it is just randomly selected people you have recently interacted with. The people on the left have nothing to do with who is viewing your profile the most. However it is a very common theory when I talk to people.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Daily Social Scam report (9-16-2011)
Its time for today's daily social scam report.
Comment Spam
You know those comment messages you see at time. The ones that say things like "I just got a new Ippad for $(money).(cents)" or "I just got a cheap machine here:" I highly recommend you do not click them. If a site were to really be giving out Ipads and computers for $19.00 I would have already bought a few and shared the details with y'all!
Profile views: 1494
Boys: 645
Girls: 844
Check yours here:
I was not originally go to post that post but as I was URLVoiding messages switched urls as I was on the other tab. So I went a grabbed a new one and started URLvoiding it and all the messages switched again. It just goes to show how quickly scam and spam posts start and die through the social network.
You vvill be amazed to find out who checks your profiIe and pictures. Click to see your profile activity! >> (bad link) My ProflIe Activity
Comment Spam
You know those comment messages you see at time. The ones that say things like "I just got a new Ippad for $(money).(cents)" or "I just got a cheap machine here:" I highly recommend you do not click them. If a site were to really be giving out Ipads and computers for $19.00 I would have already bought a few and shared the details with y'all!
Profile views: 1494
Boys: 645
Girls: 844
Check yours here:
I was not originally go to post that post but as I was URLVoiding messages switched urls as I was on the other tab. So I went a grabbed a new one and started URLvoiding it and all the messages switched again. It just goes to show how quickly scam and spam posts start and die through the social network.
You vvill be amazed to find out who checks your profiIe and pictures. Click to see your profile activity! >> (bad link) My ProflIe Activity
Total Profile Views::5922
Total Photo Views::45
Total Friends Deleted Me::14
Total Friends Blocked Me::11
This is the first time I have seen ones grouped like this. However this one just lead to a Facebook app. Remember no app can tell you who is viewing your profile, photos, who deleted you, or who blocked you.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Can I really get a free Apple Product or Dell PC for FREE? (Daily Social Scam Report 9-15-2011)
The free offer scams have really taken off over the past few weeks. However the two scams I have seen more then others are: "Get a free Apple Product" or "Get a free Dell computer". Why do these scams work so well?
First because they seem to come from trusted friends. Most of the scam/spam posts say "I love Apple" or "I love Dell". Its all apart of getting them to believe that its a real post. Spammers also program their app to use your Facebook name in the spam posts on your Facebook wall to make it more personal. Most of the sites I have seen running these offers have real nice looking sites which helps them trick people into believing its real.
So how do these spammers make their money? Eventually in these process you will end up at a survey, and if you take the survey or sign up to some service the page operators will make some cash for referring you to the survey/service.
First because they seem to come from trusted friends. Most of the scam/spam posts say "I love Apple" or "I love Dell". Its all apart of getting them to believe that its a real post. Spammers also program their app to use your Facebook name in the spam posts on your Facebook wall to make it more personal. Most of the sites I have seen running these offers have real nice looking sites which helps them trick people into believing its real.
So how do these spammers make their money? Eventually in these process you will end up at a survey, and if you take the survey or sign up to some service the page operators will make some cash for referring you to the survey/service.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Windows 8: Built-in Antivirus Protection?
So now that Microsoft has released a lot of information on Windows 8 lets take a look at one of the new Computer Security Features. One of the new security features is built-in antivirus protection. Yes that is right Windows Defender (as it is being called in the current builds) has the full protection of MSE now. So what will this mean? Lets take a look at the possibility's:
First this will mean we will have a lot of users using one antivirus program. The will make malware writers set their targets upon Windows Defender/MSE more and they will most likely test their "malware" more to make sure it bypasses them. I have already seen malware that disables Windows Defender and sometimes MSE so I think we will be seeing a lot more of it.
This also leads to the question what will Vendors do? We know before when Microsoft started pushing MSE through Windows Update many vendors were not happy that Microsoft was not giving the user the ability to chose from all antivirus products. So how will the vendors react this time? We will just have to wait and see how they react. Once a good amount of vendors comment/respond to this change I will do a roundup of how everyone responded.
First this will mean we will have a lot of users using one antivirus program. The will make malware writers set their targets upon Windows Defender/MSE more and they will most likely test their "malware" more to make sure it bypasses them. I have already seen malware that disables Windows Defender and sometimes MSE so I think we will be seeing a lot more of it.
This also leads to the question what will Vendors do? We know before when Microsoft started pushing MSE through Windows Update many vendors were not happy that Microsoft was not giving the user the ability to chose from all antivirus products. So how will the vendors react this time? We will just have to wait and see how they react. Once a good amount of vendors comment/respond to this change I will do a roundup of how everyone responded.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Daily Social Scam report (9-12-2011)
Its once again time for the daily social scam report:
Get 2 Free Southwest Airline Tickets
First off I am sad to report that the "Free Southwest" ticket scams and spam posts are back and are spreading through the social network again. Doing a URLVoid no services were detecting the sites as bad.
Get Your Free Dell XPS M1530!
Yes the get a free Dell computer scam is also back, it seems like these types of free offers are once again rising into popularity. Doing a URLVoid none of the services were detecting the site as bad.
Free Facebook credits
No site or service will give you free Facebook credits so please ignore all the messages that say you can get free credits
Yes the get a free Dell computer scam is also back, it seems like these types of free offers are once again rising into popularity. Doing a URLVoid none of the services were detecting the site as bad.
Free Facebook credits
No site or service will give you free Facebook credits so please ignore all the messages that say you can get free credits
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Daily Social Scam report (9-11-2011)
Time for today's daily social scam report:
Yeey finally!! Its unbelievable now you can get to know who views your facebook profile and who are your top 10 profile-pictures stalkers.. I am so shocked by the results. Check yours at :
First I never knew yeey was a word. I did a URLVoid and found that only one service was detecting it as bad and that was MyWot. The next thing I checked was how many clicks the link was getting, and so far at the time of the writing more then 3000 people have clicked it. Which it is sad to see how many people are falling for the scam posts.
OMG! i just received my Awsome FREE FB T-shirt, Request your free FB-Tshirt from here:
This is another one of those free T-Shirt offers as you can see from the Facecrooks security center. Doing a stat check only 1000 people have fell for this one but that's still a pretty large number of people. Doing a URLVoid no services were detecting it as bad.
Get a free $100 Pizza hut gift card
Yeah these free offers are real popular with the scammers. Also reported on the Facecrooks site you can see an example of the scammers site. Doing a URLVoid none of the services are currently detecting it at the moment.
Remember those from 9-11
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the sad attacks that happened on 9-11 in New York. The IGL-Security blog just wants to say thanks for all those that were responders in the attacks. I'd also like to say I will be praying for all those who have lost family and friends in the terrible attacks that hit that day.
I'm sure all of us can remember where we were at that moment when the towers were attacked. I am also sure that the thoughts of what happened that day will not be something we will forget, and we will continue to remember those from 9-11 in the years to come.
Now like I always add watch out for scams about 9-11, we have already seen how hackers are willing to hack accounts (NBC News) and spread fake news about attacks and scare people. So be on the lookout for that.
I'm sure all of us can remember where we were at that moment when the towers were attacked. I am also sure that the thoughts of what happened that day will not be something we will forget, and we will continue to remember those from 9-11 in the years to come.
Now like I always add watch out for scams about 9-11, we have already seen how hackers are willing to hack accounts (NBC News) and spread fake news about attacks and scare people. So be on the lookout for that.
Friday, September 9, 2011
NBC News twitter account hacked
September 11th is coming up and hackers are taking advantage of it. Now in my opinion its very sad that they would try to take advantage of such a sad time in America's history however I guess they don't care. On the NBC twitter account they hacked they replaced it with fake news that another flight was taken over as seen in these NakedSecurity photos. When I went to take a look twitter has suspended the NBCNews account and it can no longer be accessed. It's just sad and the first posts most likely gave a huge scare to a lot of people, especially since enough people were tweeting about it that it became a trending topic.
Always remember to use a set of strong passwords to prevent something like this from happening on your account.
Always remember to use a set of strong passwords to prevent something like this from happening on your account.
Anonymous releasing new Twitter tool
Well it seems Anonymous is now taking to twitter via a new app to spread their message according to CNET. According to the report they are tired of "unimportant topics" filling up the twitter trending topics. Its going to be interesting to see if this really has an effect on twitters trending topic. Its always possible twitter will change the way trending topics work and then remove anything the app would do.
So do y'all pay attention to what the trending topics are?
So do y'all pay attention to what the trending topics are?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Daily Social Scam report (9-8-2011)
Sorry that this daily social scam report is so late, its been a pretty busy day. Here are today's active social scams
Spam Photos:
Once again be on the lookout for spam apps tagging you in photos. I saw a spam post going around trying to get you to head to a blogspot to buy some stuff. Not many places do sales off of a blogspot blog.
Profile views:
WOW!! I just checked who views my profile, it's really unbelievable to see my profile top visitors. Check yours at (bad short URL)
Sadly once again doing a URLVoid no services were detecting anything bad with it. Something I did notice is spam urls are starting to use .info domains a lot more. Like always remember no app can tell you who is viewing your profile
Fake Facebook shutting down messages
Facebook is shutting down spam messages have traveled across the social network a lot. Remember Facebook is not really going to shut down, just ignore all the messages like this.
You account will be shut down unless you give us your credit card number.
This is once again a scam message going around, please avoid it and do not give anyone your credit card number.
Spam Photos:
Once again be on the lookout for spam apps tagging you in photos. I saw a spam post going around trying to get you to head to a blogspot to buy some stuff. Not many places do sales off of a blogspot blog.
Profile views:
WOW!! I just checked who views my profile, it's really unbelievable to see my profile top visitors. Check yours at (bad short URL)
Sadly once again doing a URLVoid no services were detecting anything bad with it. Something I did notice is spam urls are starting to use .info domains a lot more. Like always remember no app can tell you who is viewing your profile
Fake Facebook shutting down messages
Facebook is shutting down spam messages have traveled across the social network a lot. Remember Facebook is not really going to shut down, just ignore all the messages like this.
You account will be shut down unless you give us your credit card number.
This is once again a scam message going around, please avoid it and do not give anyone your credit card number.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-7-2011)
Time for today's daily social scam report. First up lets take a look at the profile viewers and/or profile stalker scam/spam posts:
My profile views are 4856
Get your profile views count @
Checking out the stats about clicks show that link had been clicked 258 times total which although smaller then some waves it still pretty big.
WOW!! I just checked who views my profile, it's really unbelievable to see my profile top visitors. Check yours at
Doing a URLVoid on the URL showed that no services at the moment were detecting the URL as bad. In my opinion link scanner services really should work on black listing bad social scam sites.
My profile views are 4856
Get your profile views count @
Checking out the stats about clicks show that link had been clicked 258 times total which although smaller then some waves it still pretty big.
WOW!! I just checked who views my profile, it's really unbelievable to see my profile top visitors. Check yours at
Doing a URLVoid on the URL showed that no services at the moment were detecting the URL as bad. In my opinion link scanner services really should work on black listing bad social scam sites.
GREAT NEWS ! Be the first one to use Apple - iPhone 5 as Apple is giving FREE iPhone 5 on demo bases before launch. THIS IS LIMITED HURRY....!Get your free iPhone 5 here HURRY. I got mine :D -
Great news the new Iphone 5 has not even been released yet, so don't get your hopes to high yet. So don't just instantly believe its true.
Monday, September 5, 2011
F-Secure ShareSafe: First Thoughts
So as you have known I have blogged about BitDefender SafeGo a bit but SafeGo is not the only Facebook security app. Plus new Facebook security apps continue to come out. However F-Secure takes a different approach to Facebook Security, it makes it like a game and "rewards" you for good use. So what are my thoughts right now, lets take a look at the new app.
At first it loads it's simple to use ui which is very clean and quick to load. As you can see their slogan is Stay Safe. Discover Stuff. Earn Rewards. That is an interesting approach to offer rewards for safe surfing but in my opinion its a good idea. The rewards will want to make people use the service in my opinion, however the rewards are not out yet so it will depend on what they are to if people will click on them.

I decided to do a quick test by doing a Scan on the IGL-Security blog just to see what happened. Gladly nothing was detected as bad (as it should be :D ) and it let me add a comment then post to my Facebook Now looking over the F-Secure blog post on Safe and Savvy it is suppose to protect you from posting spam and malicious links. I am not sure if this includes links that Spam Apps post. So next I decided to put it for a test against some Bad URLS and Spam Apps
So I opened up one of my favorite malware url hunting sites MalwareBlacklist (from Paretologic) and decided to see how well it did. It did pretty well at preventing the sharing of those urls. So next I decided to test it against some of the spam apps that I found constantly going through social networks. While looking up "who viewed your profile" links ShareSafe did not detect any of them as bad but detected them all as: ShareSafe does not have sufficient information on the safety of this link. So overall ShareSafe did a pretty good job of blocking malware but it still needs a few improvements in detecting bad social scam posts. However it is in beta so it should improve over time. Update: I got a tweet from a staff member of F-Secure and they said ShareSafe uses heuristics on posts so even if it does not detect the URL it should detect the post. So I will keep my eye out for that I am still pretty interested in what type of rewards they will be offering so I will keep my eye out for that and will report when I see them. I will continue testing and keep reporting back with what I find. You can check out the app here
(Updated 9-6-2011 with information from F-Secure staff)
At first it loads it's simple to use ui which is very clean and quick to load. As you can see their slogan is Stay Safe. Discover Stuff. Earn Rewards. That is an interesting approach to offer rewards for safe surfing but in my opinion its a good idea. The rewards will want to make people use the service in my opinion, however the rewards are not out yet so it will depend on what they are to if people will click on them.

I decided to do a quick test by doing a Scan on the IGL-Security blog just to see what happened. Gladly nothing was detected as bad (as it should be :D ) and it let me add a comment then post to my Facebook Now looking over the F-Secure blog post on Safe and Savvy it is suppose to protect you from posting spam and malicious links. I am not sure if this includes links that Spam Apps post. So next I decided to put it for a test against some Bad URLS and Spam Apps
So I opened up one of my favorite malware url hunting sites MalwareBlacklist (from Paretologic) and decided to see how well it did. It did pretty well at preventing the sharing of those urls. So next I decided to test it against some of the spam apps that I found constantly going through social networks. While looking up "who viewed your profile" links ShareSafe did not detect any of them as bad but detected them all as: ShareSafe does not have sufficient information on the safety of this link. So overall ShareSafe did a pretty good job of blocking malware but it still needs a few improvements in detecting bad social scam posts. However it is in beta so it should improve over time. Update: I got a tweet from a staff member of F-Secure and they said ShareSafe uses heuristics on posts so even if it does not detect the URL it should detect the post. So I will keep my eye out for that I am still pretty interested in what type of rewards they will be offering so I will keep my eye out for that and will report when I see them. I will continue testing and keep reporting back with what I find. You can check out the app here
(Updated 9-6-2011 with information from F-Secure staff)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-4-2011)
Time for today's daily social scam report:
OMG! Its unbelievable now you can get to know who views your facebook profile.. i can see my top profile visitors. Check yours at (bad short URL)
OMG! Its unbelievable now you can get to know who views your facebook profile.. i can see my top profile visitors. Check yours at (different bad short URL)
First I want to say this message seems to be spreading very fast at the moment, its a pretty big wave going through. Its spreading though a Facebook App called "Watch it". Its also started spreading through an app called "Profile Watcher" however both are spreading the same domain. Doing a URLVoid not one service is detecting it as bad. The next bad url scanned on URLVoid also had no services detecting it.
I'm getting a new iPhone 5 for FREE! Go to this page and leave a comment and you can get one too CLICK HERE >>
Once again a few things are wrong with that message. First the Iphone 5 has not even been released yet. Second: How can an unreleased phone be given away for free? Clicking on the short URL will lead to you a Facebook social app called "Iphone Tester" and then will most likely try to get you to spread the link on your Facebook wall.
Facebook shutting down date x for reason x
Its been going through the social network a lot that Facebook will be shutting down due to a random reason. The reason could be the Facebook CEO wanting to go back to normal or to many members. Please be aware it would be a big announcement if Facebook were to really shut down almost all news sites would be posting about it. So remember it would most likely never shut down.
Spider under skin, see the video
First of all I don't know why someone would want to see a Spider under someones skin, it just sounds disgusting but scammers are using that message to spread another scam around the social network. So if you see that message saying "See the spider under the skin" just avoid it and leave it alone.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Daily Social Scam Report (9-1-2011)
Its time for the first Daily Social Scam report of September. Lets take a look at what the social scammers and spammers have been up to:
My total profile views are 7783
OMG I can not believe what she posted on her wall!!! Embarrassing for her but FUNNY for me LOL
What did she post? Well we are never going to know because this post is a Facebook scam page. For some good news Web of Trust users are already protected again this scam. If you see something posted like this it is most likely a scam and its a good idea to ignore it.
My total profile views are 7783
Check your total profile views @
Yup this scam has not gone anywhere. Extracting the URL lead to a spammy Facebook app.
This girl has a spider under her skin and she did remove it
I honestly don't know why anyone would want to see a video of that but this scam is making another round the the social networks. You will never get to see the video so just ignore it.
Doing a quick check the free Iphone and Ipad scams are still going through the social network. Anything saying you will get a free Iphone 5 here and such are most likely a scam so be on the lookout for those.
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